THE LOWER REALMS (Days 114-116)

1 The hell realms (Days 117-125)

1.1 Causes of the hell realms

1.2 Rebirth in the hell realms

1.3 The hot hells

1.4 The neighbouring hells

1.5 The cold hells

1.6 The occasional hells

2 The hungry ghost realm (Days 126-128)

2.1 Causes of the hungry ghost realm

2.2 General sufferings: heat, cold, hunger, thirst, exhaustion and fear

2.3 Particular sufferings: outer and inner obscurations, and obscurations of food and drink

3 The animal realm (Days 129-134)

3.1 Causes of the animal realm

3.2 General sufferings: heat, cold, hunger, thirst, exhaustion and fear

3.3 Particular sufferings: overcrowding and abuse by humans
