Higher Motivation
(1) How Bodhicitta is the doorway to practicing the Great Vehicle
- The six great qualities
- Why we need renunciation to develop compassion
- Attaining the fruit of the Mahayana Path
- The nine-point meditation in accordance with the Three Scopes
(2) The manner of generating Bodhicitta mind
- The proper bases
- Four conditions, four causes, and four powers
- Stages of training in Bodhicitta mind
- The measure of generating Bodhicitta mind
- The manner of holding Bodhicitta through ritual
(3) After generating Bodhicitta, the manner of training in the conduct of a Bodhisattva
- Six reasons that the number is definite
- The order of the Six Perfections
- The general conduct: the perfection of generosity
- The general conduct: the perfection of ethics
- The general conduct: the perfection of patience
- The general conduct: the perfection of enthusiastic perseverance
(4) Calming the mind
- The perfection of concentration
(5) The final perfection
- The perfection of wisdom
Source: Yangsi Rinpoche. Practicing the Path: A Commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003.